
Hi, I've already sent a ticket through support but since there is no information about a ticket ID or follow-up, I'm doing this in an attempt to get a refund.

I purchased the 1 dollar trial, and it suddenly charged me for a full subscription without a warning, it just automatically did that without any heads-up on my bank's app or anything.

I cancelled my subscription already but obviously want a refund of the full month subscription since, after cancelling it, said that it ended tomorrow, so basically charged me the full month and gave me a 1 day trial when I just wanted to pay 1 dollar for the one day trial...

I've seen as well some more discussions here regarding similar issues, mostly didn't get any updates so I'm quite unhopeful to get my money back, so if there's a way to delete all my information of my account and my bank info too I'd like to do that, since there is no personal profile in the website where you can handle all of these things. You just sign-up and your account has all this information that you can't change or erase

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