Female POV

Any chance you could make some pov videos for us ladies? They are so hard to find anywhere! 😭


  • Tell me about it!!! As the female director of this site, I can COMPLETELY identify with the sentiment. When I was first experimenting with VR over 6 years ago, I did A LOT of female POV and couldn't get much traction with it it. I even started a lesbian VR site and had no luck at all with people wanting to buy it. I'd love to know if there are any other women who want POV VR. I would LOVE to make more of it... either on KinkVR or other places. For now, on KinkVR we do a lot of voyeur scenes that it doesn't matter who you are or what body parts you have to enjoy it.

  • Well, I also have a paid subscription with the only VR site I could find that makes exclusive content for women, but their videos are too vanilla. All of the big VR sites have maybe 2 female POV videos. It's really frustrating. Studies show that 20% of porn watchers are women, so you'd think 20% of porn content would be geared towards women...

  • Yeah! I hear you! As things are opening up more with covid, I'm going to try and work some in. The buck doesn't stop with me, so we'll have to see what kind of argument I can make! I see you encouraging other women to speak up and that will help for sure! It also helps if people describe what kind of Female POV scenes they'd like to see! Personally, I'd like to see more lezdom VR... but that's me!

  • Straight maledom Female POV. But ANY Female POV would be nice. Hopefully other ladies speak up though.

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